Business voip providers
Voice over internet protocol or VOIP is the name given to a protocol of sending voice transmission over packet switched networks. VOIP uses a data network, typically the internet, to serve as the transmission medium for voice data transfer. There is no requirement that both parties use VOIP during a connection, only that the IP connected party has a direct connection to the data network. When telephone calls are place from users who are connected to a PSTN to a VOIP Phone, the sending party must use direct Direct Inward Dialing (DID) to connect to the IP network through a voip gateway using an assign access number. Call originating on the VOIP Network are sent to the PSTN party through the DID number or numbers that were assign to the PSTN party. VOIP relies on Digital Audio Conversion (DAC) to convert voice or sound into a digital audio file. As with other sound file formats like mp3, voice applies compression techniques to create a small file size and that file is packetized by TCP and sent over IP networks. VOIP files can be very efficiently compressed and so depending on the quality level you select, a call lasting an hour might be no more than 20 mb in size, no more than a pod cast of that duration. VIP services are implemented in one of the following ways: